
Scientific Session 06 : Endocrinology

Endocrinology is the study of hormones. Hormones are essential for our every-day survival. They control our temperature, sleep, mood, stress, growth and more.
There are whole sub-specialities devoted to specific areas where hormones work. For example:


  • Paediatric endocrinology, looking at hormones in children
  • Thyroid endocrinology, looking at how the thyroid affects metabolism
  • Endocrine-disrupting chemicals, where chemicals which mimic the effects of hormones are present in the environment
  • Comparative endocrinology, which looks at the way similar hormones work in different species (e.g. from insects, through to fish, birds, mammals, etc)

Sometimes there are specific societies devoted to the study of these subspecialities.

Related Conferences: Gastroenterology conferences | Hepatology Conferences | Endoscopy Conferences | Gastroenterology Symposium | Gastroenterology Conferences in Europe | Hepatology Congress | Hepatology symposium | Hepatology Workshops | Gastroenterology Conferences 2022 | Hepatologists Meet | Gastroenterology 2022 | Gastroenterology meetings | Gastroenterology congress | Endoscopy meetings | Digestive diseases Conferences | Hepatitis Conferences | Gastro Meet in UK | Liver and Hepatitis Conference in Middle East | Hepatology Conferences 2022


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